Making The World Safe For Science - One Supermodel At A Time
Super Science Whiz Bang Contest
(or skip below if you don't care)
If you don't care about free stuff, skip to the next message to enjoy today's wholesome scientific and supermodel-ish goodness!
Okay, you are still reading. We only rank at about 200,000 on Alexa which means there just aren't enough people talking about us. So we're going to have a contest and basically bribe you into supporting us. We know we have lots of readers but we want to see the love and knock some of those boring science sites out of the top 50.
So here's the deal. Link to us, or to one of our posts, or make us one of your favorites on Technorati
or some way that it shows up on Technorati, and you will be entered into our nifty contest. When we have 400 new sites linking to us, two people win. I will turn on the comments so you can let me know you have linked to us. Spread the word. The faster we get to 400, the sooner we give away good stuff.
Second Prize: In plenty of time for Halloween, this nifty remote control helicopter. Dazzle and amaze children this Halloween as this 7-inch Remote Control copter zips and zings around their little heads while you shriek with delight.
Sign us up, people! ( and thanks for reading )
posted by Buckaroo at 2:21 PM